@InggrisGaul says thanks to:
1. Allah SWT, who has inspired @InggrisGaul to be creative, brilliant, and inovatif.
2. All of teachers of Life, all English lecturers at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
3. Beloved parents
4. English Authors, who have shared their knowledge, until @InggrisGaul can learn and share their ideas. They are:
a. Nitha Ashar Hartawan, Let's Speak English; The fun and easy way to speak English with your children, BIP Kelompok Gramedia, Jakarta.
b. Ghufron Maba, Modern English Conversation for Tourist, Lintas Media, Jombang.
c. Herpinus Simanjuntak, Daily Conversation and Words, Kesaint Blanc, Jakarta.
d. Silvester Goridus Sukur, English Conversation for Teacher, Kaifa Learning, Bandung.
e. Imam Baehaqi, Simple English Conversations, Cakrawala Ilmu, Yogyakarta.
f. Drs. Slamet Riyanto, Practical Idioms in English, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta.
and many sources.
g. Yusup Priyasudiarja & Y. Sri Purwaningsih, Kamus Gaul Percakapan Bahasa Inggris, Indonesia-Inggris, cet.1, 2013, Bandung, Kaifa.
h. Silvia, How Do You Say It in English, Kompas Gramedia Jakarta, cet.1; 2012.
i. Philip Binham, How to say it, 1974, Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
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